Winter Solstice Altar
Marissa Roer Marissa Roer

Winter Solstice Altar

Winter Solstice.

The longest night and the shortest day. One of the most sacred days to connecting to the light within. During the fertile darkness we are gifted the opportunity to tune into the subtle energy field and to connect deeply with the unseen. Here is an altar to assist you in anchoring in the light and going beyond!

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The Dragons:
Marissa Roer Marissa Roer

The Dragons:

Dragons are the elders of Earth. They are the primordial protectors, many believe they are the original architects of Earth. Dragons are the primordial protectors of all that is sacred. It is believed that dragons are some of the original architects of this beautiful Planet Earth. Many dragons have fallen into deep slumber as a result of the collective’s unconsciousness and amnesia of our innate connection with these inter-dimensional beings.

Learn how to use Dragons to Amplify Prayer: Step by Step Guide inside.

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Channeled Message: From Your Family of Light
Marissa Roer Marissa Roer

Channeled Message: From Your Family of Light

A channeled message from your family of light:

We reach out to you now, dear one. We come from the depths of time and realms beyond. Here, where stories become legends and legends transform into legacies, we've watched your journey unfold. Your spirit, shining brilliantly and unwavering, has become a beacon in our lineage and in the Cosmos.

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Ancestral Communication Ritual
Marissa Roer Marissa Roer

Ancestral Communication Ritual

Taking time to connect with your ancestors is one of the most potent practices to amplify your connection to your bloodline and the space and time to which you chose to incarnate into. You are an answer to your ancestors' prayers. The more we connect to them in service and in reverence the more support we will have. 

Note: this is a potent ritual for connecting with both our ancestors of the Earth and the Stars

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Samhain Altar & Divination
Marissa Roer Marissa Roer

Samhain Altar & Divination

Samhain, traditionally celebrated from October 31st to November 1st, is a time when the veil between the living and the dead is believed to be the thinnest. It is an ancient Celtic festival that marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. Many modern Halloween traditions are derived from Samhain practices. Here's a guide to setting up a Samhain altar that draws from nature, mysticism, and symbolism:

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Candle Divination
Marissa Roer Marissa Roer

Candle Divination

Candle gazing, also known as "Trataka" in some spiritual traditions, is a form of concentrated meditation and divination. It involves fixing one's gaze on a candle flame without blinking, with the intention of developing focus, clarity, and intuitive insights. Over time, practitioners might experience visions, heightened intuition, or profound insights, making it a form of divination.

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Gratitude Practice
Marissa Roer Marissa Roer

Gratitude Practice

Cold Hard Truth: practicing gratitude is proven to make you happier.

Psychologists from the University of California and University of Miami conducted a study finding that participants who wrote about gratitude every day were more optimistic and felt better about their lives long-term.

So I have a challenge for you: for the next 21 days, drink your coffee with a notebook and a pen in hand and write down at least THREE things you’re grateful for that day.

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spring awakening
Marissa Roer Marissa Roer

spring awakening

a spotify playlist to help you flow and bloom with the springtime seedlings

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