Candle Divination
Candle gazing, also known as "Trataka" in some spiritual traditions, is a form of concentrated meditation and divination. It involves fixing one's gaze on a candle flame without blinking, with the intention of developing focus, clarity, and intuitive insights. Over time, practitioners might experience visions, heightened intuition, or profound insights, making it a form of divination. It takes time and practice to develop a relationship with this practice. Below is a guide to understanding how a flame can communicate with you. Like all spiritual practices, your intuition and your unique connection to source will provide you the clearest messages this can help you connect!
Steady Flame: A strong, steady flame suggests a strong presence, concentrated energy, or that the environment is free from disturbances. In divination, it could signify that your intentions are clear and the energies are supportive of your query.
Jumping Flame: A flame that jumps or flickers frequently may indicate strong emotions or the presence of spirits or other energies. It could suggest unrest, resistance, or interruptions in the flow of energy related to the divinatory question.
Dancing Flame: If the flame sways or dances, it can suggest that you are in touch with greater forces or energies. It may indicate that you should be open to messages from higher realms or be aware of underlying currents in a situation.
Small or Low Flame: A flame that remains low suggests that you may be facing opposition or blockages. In divination, it could mean there's a need to build more energy or that there's resistance to the question at hand.
Blue Flame: A blue flame is a sign of spiritual presence and can indicate that communication with spiritual realms is more accessible at that moment. Blue can also symbolize healing energy.
Twin Flames: Occasionally, a candle flame will split into two or more flames. If this occurs, it could represent outside influences or multiple energies or forces at play regarding the divinatory question.
Popping or Cracking Flame: If the flame pops or crackles, it may signify communication from spirits or the presence of energetic interferences. Pay attention to intuitive messages or feelings when this happens.
No Flame: If the candle refuses to light or has difficulty staying lit, it may suggest significant opposition or that the time isn't right for the divination.