The Dragons:
Dragons are the elders of Earth. Dragons are the primordial protectors of all that is sacred. It is believed that dragons are some of the original architects of this beautiful Planet Earth. Many dragons have fallen into deep slumber as a result of the collective’s unconsciousness and amnesia of our innate connection with these inter-dimensional beings.
Dragons are found in Mythology, Creation Stories and Mysticism in almost every culture. Connecting with them, reading about them, unlocks Ancient Wisdom inside.
One of the first times Dragons show up in Legend and in Mythology is in Mesopotamian Mythology, Their creation story includes the goddess Tiamat, who was depicted as a Dragon. When she was “conquered and slayed” by Marduk the top of her body became the sky and the bottom the Earth. Her tears became the rivers.
I suggest tuning straight into Tiamat to recieve insight into her story. I will leave this for a deep dive for another time.

There are many ways to connect to Dragons:
𓆃 Seeing them on the Land
𓆃 Working with Sacred Sites
𓆃 Connecting with Ley-Lines & Dragon Lines
𓆃 Activating them from their Slumber
𓆃 Connecting to your Dragon Guides
𓆃 Calling upon them to Amplify Prayer
In this article, we will focus on
Utilizing the Dragons to Amplify Prayer.

In various cultures and spiritual traditions, are seen as powerful, majestic, and elemental beings. Their vast energies can be interpreted as having the ability to amplify prayer in several ways.
Let’s further decode the power of the Dragon and how what we know about Dragons can be summoned to support Prayer.
Elemental Bridges: Dragons are the embodiment of all the Earthly Elements - Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. When one connects in prayer with the intent of harnessing a dragon's energy, one can bridge their spiritual intentions with the raw powers of nature. This synthesis amplifies the prayer by grounding or giving it wings, depending on the Dragon in focus.
Energetic Vessels: Given their size, strength, and the aura they exude, dragons can be known to be immense vessels of energy. By channeling their energy during prayer, one could access a larger reservoir of spiritual power, making the prayer more potent.
Ley Lines & Dragon Lines: As within: In traditional Chinese culture, "dragon lines" (known as "lung mei" or "long mai") are believed to be the channels of vital earth energy. This energy is often compared to the life force, or "qi" (chi), that flows through the body in traditional Chinese medicine. Indian tradition, the "nadis" are channels in the subtle body through which life force or vital energy moves. As without: On Gaia, Ley Lines or Dragon lines are similar to the meridians in the physical body, Ley Lines are Gaia’s meridians, sacred streams of energetic flow. Our ancestors would align their sacred sites to the Ley Lines to amplify the energetic portal.
Bridges to the Ethereal Realm: Dragons, being inter-dimensional beings, are bridges between our earthly realm and the ethereal. In prayer, they can serve as intermediaries, allowing out Prayer (Ether) to ground into Eartly reality through the Dragon’s Elemental embodiment and ability to weave wisdom in and through the elements.
Symbols of Determination: Dragons in folklore are relentless, whether they're protecting or pursuing. By invoking the dragon spirit in prayer, one could be calling upon this unwavering determination to ensure that the prayer does not go unanswered and goes where it is needed the most.
Harmonizers of Dualities: Dragons often embody dualities: they can be both benevolent and malevolent, terrestrial and celestial, feared and revered. When utilized in prayer, dragons can harmonize opposing energies, bringing balance and thus making the prayer more holistic, supporting unity. They are potent bridges, bridges of the elements, realms and dualities.
Higher Dimensional Travelers: Dragons are not bound to physical reality like humans are. They can shapeshift into different elements and realms, they can physically bring our etheric prayers to the places, realms, peoples and lands where they are needed the most.
step-by-step ritual
to assist you in summoning these Dragon beings to enhance your prayer:
Set Clear Intentions
Be clear and set potent intentions for you are praying for. This clarity will guide the Dragons in assisting you more effectively.
INVOCATION: “May this prayer be of the highest benefit for all sentient life on Earth and in the Cosmos.”
Find a Dragon Portal on the Land:
(or if practicing inside create the portal)
If on the Land, find a Dragon Perch that overlooks the land or find a rock that feels like it has dragon energy encoded.
Connect to the primordial hum of Earth & call in your Dragons.
If inside: Set the space, bring crystals, rocks, and talismans that have Dragon Energy encoded in them.
Ground Yourself:
Sit or stand comfortably.
Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Feel the weight of your body and visualize roots extending from your feet into the Earth, anchoring you.
Feel the presence of your Dragon.
Invoke the Dragons:
“I call in (name of dragon) to be with me now”
Use light language, song, music, or use your unique frequency call to connect.
Express gratitude for their presence and ask for their assistance in amplifying your prayer.
"Guardians of ancient power, dragons of the deep, I stand upon this sacred portal, our pact to keep. Join me in this rite, amplify my prayer, Let our intentions merge, in the earth, water, fire, and air."
Visualize Their Energy:
As you feel the presence of your Dragons, imagine a radiant light or energy enveloping you.
Feel them, feel their scales, feel their breath, feel their temperature. Use all your senses to experience them, as you do you invoke all of their elemental power.
Visualize this energy enhancing your own, envision light weaving between you two becoming brighter and brighter.
Speak Your Prayer Aloud:
Clearly and with conviction, voice your prayer or intention.
Feel the energy of the Dragons merging with your own as you do this, making your words resonate powerfully.
See the energy from your words merge with the Dragon’s Energy.
Thank the Dragons:
Once you've voiced your prayer, express your gratitude to the Dragons for their assistance and presence.
Ask them to carry your prayer to the ethereal realms charging up your prayer and aligning your prayer to the highest good.
Command Your Dragon to Take this prayer and energy where it is needed the most.
"By the might of my dragons, by the elements combined, Carry forth this prayer, let its power be aligned."
Close the Sacred Space:
To close the ritual, you can say words of gratitude or a closing affirmation like, "So it is,"
Take a moment to ground yourself again, visualizing the roots retracting and absorbing the excess energy back into the Earth.
If you used any tools, cleanse and store them appropriately.
Trust and Release:
Let go of the outcome and trust in the Dragons and the universe to work on your behalf.
Continue with your day, holding onto the faith that your amplified prayer will manifest.
Like all Ritual, Ceremonies and Magick do what feels most authentic for you. Remember, the most essential aspect is your sincerity and belief in the process. The steps can be modified based on your personal beliefs and practices. The guardians you call upon should resonate with you and align with your intentions.
Join us under the Great American Eclipse for a special 4 day/ 4 night retreat to embark on a journey of Cosmic Metamorphosis.
We will be working with the Dragons!
Click the link below to learn more.