Save Our Oceans
Ocean Conservation Resources
PNW Protectors: a GREAT non-profit organization that makes taking action SUPER simple and efficiently for the Pacific waters, and Southern Resident Killer Whales and the ecosystems they so heavily rely on. They provide links for petitions, email and letter campaigns, and so much more. Their work is beyond incredible.
Salish Sea Orca Squad: a non-profit dedicated to increasing awareness about the orcas in the Salish Sea, specifically the critically endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales. They have an apparel campaign going on right now where if you buy a sweater or a shirt 50% of the proceeds will go towards Raincoast Conservation Foundation (protecting the lands, waters and wildlife of coastal BC) and the other half to their organization.
BlackFin Coffee: (USA friends) has a campaign where a certain blend (3) of coffee, 100% of the proceeds are donated to PNW Protectors.
Searching for Chinook: has a little shop with totebags and more to raise funds for their documentary! A beautiful way to raise awareness for the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales and hopefully bring more attention to the importance of protecting them and their waters.
Pacific Wild: is an organization that dedicates a lot of their time to supporting and protecting the wildlife that the Orcas rely on with a lot of awareness and conservation work for Salmon and Pacific Herring fish!
Films to Watch
Chasing Coral
Instagram accounts to follow:
How to make a difference today?
✧ Donate to any of the organizations above
✧ Go Vegan, or give up fish!
✧ Educate yourself, get involved
✧ Learn how to scuba dive so you can connect to the magnificence of mama blue
✧ Transition to zero waste - say no to ALL plastic
✧ Here are some tools to purchase to make the switch:
if you would like to get involved and help us spread awareness * send us an email!