What is Light Language?
light language transmission by Felipe Abras
What is Light Language?
light language is the language of the stars, the language of higher dimensions.
just like language here on earth, there are infinite dialects to light language
How do you speak or learn light language?
we all have the capability of channeling the language of the stars,
all it takes is the clearing of our channels, aligning our energetic an physical body, an open heart and patience
What does light language sound / look like?
light language can come in all forms, art, music, sounds, written symbols / language
there is no rhyme or reason to how these higher vibrational languages are translated in the 3D. sometime light language is channeled though frequency of sound, sometimes through images and sometimes through symbols like an ancient language. all those who channel have a different relationship to how they receive and translate these transmissions! some hear, some see, some feel. for those opening up their channels to tap into this beautiful practice, have no expectations, let the frequencies flow through your being, you may hear or see the transmissions, just let them flow!
continue reading to learn about Chelsea Dumas personal experience to channeling and understanding light language
My journey to ramembering & activating Light Language
My journey to speaking Light Language happened before I had ever heard that it was a thing. I started to speak it when I was working with & harnessing sexual energy. (not that I even knew I was doing this) All of the sudden I started speaking something that sounded like it came straight out of Harry Potter when he is speaking to the snake in “parseltongue”. I was a bit confused and intuitively knew it was something and yet my logical mind brushed it off as nothing. This was right after my dark night and I didn’t have much zest for life. It was all I could do to get out of bed and function. I do, however, ramember feeling renewed and getting amazing downloads and ideas after that. It didn’t last long before the triggers resurfaced, I fell back into my bad habits and completely forgot about speaking Light Language.
At this point I really disliked who I was and knew this wasn’t right so I started going to energy healing sessions, body work, theta healing & joined a 9 month immersion Priestess program. This was my therapy. I was dedicated to healing my wounds and remembering who I was. This was a long and seemed like never ending journey.
Fast forward a year and a half and I am in my car and all the sudden I start speaking what seems like gibberish... but it feels so good. I ramember wondering if this was something. One day, while exploring content on youtube, I stumbled upon this guy speaking what he calls light language.
The universe always shares exactly what you need to know in any moment.
I became fascinated with it..... I was still pretty dense in frequency here so my body could not feel the energy but my intuition was laser focused while I listened to the souls I found on youtube. At that point I was like okay I think I am speaking light language....
It wasn’t until I went to Hawaii for my priestess initiation and met a soul who said they have Light Language speaking circles monthly. And I was like wait I think I speak that..... that was the first time I had ever mentioned it to anyone. It gave me the confidence to finally come out with it. When the high priestess’s leading the initiation found out they said, “Why didn’t you tell us this was coming up for you?” And I said because I had no idea if I was really doing it or not!” I played the small & hiding game I will admit it..... Lot’s of fear programming. Jasa a high priestess shamanic energy healer whose energy is so bold and powerful it kind of scared me looked me directly in the eyes and said:
“Light Language is the specific way your soul speaks. It is unique to your DNA and it can activate you and others in remembering who they are. Speak directly to their heart. They may not logically understand but their bodies will feel it. It is the language of the soul. It will trigger them to ramember and may cause their worlds to shift so I advise using discretion.”
(This brought up some fear...I new what it felt like to have my world shift at first.....lots of resistance & fear.)
After this I had the confidence I needed. I committed to following my souls calling at all costs. I continued with my healing and started giving energy healing sessions that include Light Language. They are remarkable. One thing I have realized is how afraid we are to be in our bodies and to ascend we must get into our bodies.
We are the spirit guides and the angels to our bodies.
After sessions people have said they have never felt so in their bodies. To hear this lights my heart up.
When I speak Light Language its as if I am opening a door to another dimension one filled with LOVE and the highest of frequencies. If I could sea what I am saying it would look like sacred geometries flying out of my mouth and hands coding and decoding energy fields. The language feels tribal and ancient. Everyone’s is unique and can be different. I have yet to stumble upon anyone that has sounded like my specific tone. All I know is when I speak it I feel like I AM who I truly am. I have played small and the voice and energies that come through are nothing but small. It is wise and ancient and no bullshit. Like a stern mother who expects you to act in the highest of integrity. The DIVINE FEMININE.
Everyone has the ability to speak Light Language and it will come when it is destined to come. My advice is to keep healing and LOVING all that you are. This is the key to how it happened in my experience. I have had instantaneous activations sitting in my room all alone while journaling. Things I thought only could happen in programs or after getting certifications. I am here to tell you anything is possible and what is destined to happen will no matter what. Remember whatever you heal for you you heal for the entire planet. Never underestimate the power in healing your wounds. Trust in you and Trust in LOVE. Thank you so much for being here at this time.
Other resources for learning more about light language!