crystal guidance

Crystals teach us how to intuitively tune into energy

they are the purest form of earth’s vibration working with them assists with our own frequencies to rise.

Find your crystal

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✧ the stone of inner peace ✧ amethyst is essential in any crystal collection because it’s ability to transmute negative energy into positive energy. it eases the mind and allows for the higher self and mind to be grounded in this dimension

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✧ the stone of personal will  ✧ citrine is perfect to use in any manifestation rituals you may partake in. citrine is connected to the solar plexus chakra strengthening our intentions and will. perfect for moon ritual

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✧ the stability stone ✧ aragonite is known for its grounding capabilities has the power to stabilize one’s personal and spiritual growth as well as one’s emotions. it will aid releasing tension from the past and expectations of the future.


more crystal guidance

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